Afirmatie f.puternica :
I am so grateful and happy now, because large sums of money, in ever increasing quantities and from many different sources, keep rushing to me on a constant and continual basis!
Sunt foarte recunoscător și foarte fericit
acum, pentru că mari sume de bani, în cantități tot mai mari și din mai multe
surse diferite, se grabeasc sa vina la mine în mod constant și continuu!
Banii vin la mine usor si fara effort…Bogatia curge in mod constant in viata mea…Actiunile mele creaza in mod constant prosperitate…Sint aliniat cu energia abundentei.
I am very happy & grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities from many sources on a continuous basis
Sint foarte fericit si recunoscator ca banii vin la mine in cantitati tot mai mari din orice sursa , in mod continuu.
I am grateful for what I already have and for all that I receive now.
Sint recunoscator pentru ceea ce am acum si pentru tot ceea ce primesc acum.
Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money
In fiecare zi atrag si economisesc si mai multi si mai multi bani.
I give thanks that I am now rich, wealthy and happy
Multumesc Bunului DUMNEZEU, TATAL NOSTRU CERESC ca sint acum bogat, prosper si fericit !
In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I am one with the Power that created me. I am totally open and receptive to the abundant flow of prosperity that the Universe offers. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask, I am Divinely guided and protected, and I make choices that are beneficial to me. I rejoice in other's successes, knowing there is plenty for us all. I am constantly increasing my conscious awareness of abundance, and this reflects in a constantly increasing income. My good comes from everywhere and everyone. All is well in my world.
In infinitatea vietii unde sint acum, totul este perfect, intreg si complet. Sint unul cu DUMNEZEU care m-a creat. Sint deschis total si receptiv la fluxul abundent al prosperitatii pe care Universul mi-l ofera. Toate necesitatile si dorintele mi se implinesc chiar inainte sa cer, sint condus si protejat de Divinitate si fac alegeri care sint benefice mie. Ma bucur de succesul altora, stiind ca este o abundenta pt. toti. Imi intaresc continuu constiinta privind cunoasterea abundentei si asta duce la o crestere constanta a surselor mele de venituri.Bunurile mele vin de oriunde si de la orisicine. Totul este perfect in lumea mea.
In fiecare zi siin orice mod, devin si mai mult, si mai mult prosper
Prosperitatea mea este nelimitata, succesul meu este nelimitat acum.
“I know that I can have anything I desire and I
believe that through the Law of Attraction and the almighty Universe, I get
everything that I want. I am a winner, and I know it!”
Stiu ca pot avea
orice imi doresc si sint sigur ca prin Legea Atractiei si Bunului DUMNEZEU pot
sa obtin orice imi doresc. Sint un invingator si stiu asta !
There is only one
way to develop REAL Faith, not merely motivation that will vanish the very next
day. This method can be summed up in one sentence: “The
repetition of the same thoughts over and over and over again is what leads to
increased faith. You do this by affirmations and by constant repetition”
Exista o singura
cale sa dezvolt ADEVARATA Credinta, nu pur si simplu motivatia care va disparea
urmatoarea zi. Aceasta metoda poate fi spus intr-o singura propozitie :
“Repetitia aceluias gind mereu si mereu si mereu din nou, este ceea ce duce la
o Credinta crescuta. Faci acest lucru prin afirmatii si printr-o constanta
repetitive “
- See Yourself in it: Visualize yourself living with the thing you want (e.g. a great job, a new business, achieving perfect health, a wonderful family ). Create imaginations of everything you will be doing when you are already living that dream, and soon you will realize that the more you do this, the higher and more believable the chances of realizing that dream.
- Vizualizeaza-te pe tine in acest gind : Vizualizeaza-te pe tine traind cu lucrul pe care-l vrei (a slujba f.buna, o noua afacere, avind o sanatate perfecta, a familie minunata…)Creaza-ti o vizualizare a tot cee ace vei face cind tu deja traiesti acel vis si in curind vei realiza ca, cu cit vei repeat mai mult aceasta, mai mari si mai realizabile sansele de a realiza acest vis sint
- Action: Don’t just imagine static pictures, but imagine the actions! Try to feel the movements, hear the words you’d be saying, hear how others congratulate you on your success.
- Nu-ti imagina doar picturi statice, dar imagineaza-ti actiuni ale visului ! Incearca sa simti miscarile, sa auzi vorbele pe care levei spune, auzi cum altii te felicita ptr succesul tau.
Have Boundless Gratitude
Ai recunostiinta fara margini
The only person who can create
a vision (a path for your life) is you, and this vision can be anything
that you desire. You can use a vision board (a collage, a poster etc.) to set
these great forces in motion and boost
your vibration every time you look at them.
Unica persoana care poate sa creeze o
viziune (o cale ptr viata ta) esti tu si
aceasta viziune poate sa fie orice cee ace tu doresti. Iti poti face o tabla cu
fotografii (un colaj de fotografii de pe internet sau din reviste cu ceea ce reprezinta ceea ce-ti doresti, un poster, etc) ptr a pune
aceste mari forte in miscare si sa dai un impuls vibratiilor tale tot timpul
cind te uiti la ele
So put a vision board in your room, set a motivational
wallpaper on your computer and cell phone background, put a picture of your
goal on your fridge and wardrobe, and make sure that you remember the feeling
the attainment of your goal.
Deci pune-ti o tabla (un carton cu fotografii) a
viziunilor tale in camera ta, aranjeaza-ti o imagine motivationala pe
computerul sau pe celularul tau ca fundal, pune o fotografie cu dorinta ta pe
frigider sau pe garderopa si fa in asa fel incit sa-ti amintesteti emotiile si
sentimentele cind iti atingi scopul tau.
Every time you look at these pictures, that
feeling will get reinforced and strengthened which in turn will make your
vibration a
powerful magnetic force for your dream!
Ori de cite ori te uiti la aceste footografii,
sentimental va fi reconsolidate si intarit cee ace va face ca vibratia sa fie ca o forta magnetica
puternica ca sa atraga visul tau
Almost every one of
us knows what we want but only a few people know what they TRULY want in life.
Start paying attention to your deepest passions and desires and not just the
mere wishing in your conscious mind.
Aproape fiecare
dintre noi stim cee ace vrem dar numai citeva personae stiu ce vor cu adevarat
in viata. Incepeti sa fiti atenti la pasiunile si dorintele voastre f.adinci si
nu doar la dorintele din mintea constienta.
Seek Security within Yourself First
Cautati intii securitatea in interiorul vostru
So always seek security from within yourself
first! Never try to take something from the world, instead, give! Control your
inner world, and create a perfect self-esteem and self-image of yourself. Find
security within yourself, and you will always have it manifested in your
outer world. That is a law!
Deci intotdeauna intii cautati securitatea in
interiorul vostru ! Niciodata nu incercati sa luati ceva de la altii, in loc sa
daruiti ! Controlati-va lumea voastra interioara si creati-va o perfecta stima
de sine si o auto-imagine a voastra. Gasiti o Securitate inauntru vostru si
intotdeauna aceasta se va mainifesta in lumea voastra de afara. Aceasta este
legea !
Self-Love and Respect
Iubirea de sine si respectul
Next on the list is to, love
yourself. To be factual, the law of attraction will not be fulfilled if
you, the subject, do not like yourself. If you are able to love yourself and
cherish every move of your life, then others will do the same. This is because
like terms will always attract each other.
Urmatoarea pe lista este sa te iubesti pe tine.
De fapt, legea atractiei, nu se va indeplini daca tu, subiectul, nu te placi pe
tine insuti. Daca esti capabil sa te iubesti pe tine sit e bucuride fiecare
miscare in viata, atunci altii vor face la fel. Asta este deoarece factorii
care sint la fel se vor atrage unul pe altul.
So go in front of your mirror and yell out loud “I
Love Myself!”! Look at yourself straight in the eyes. Kiss your hand
and truly feel love and likeness for your soul and body.
De aceea mergi in fata oglinziisi striga tare “Ma
iubesc pe mine !” Uita-te la tine in ochii tai ! Saruta-ti mina sinutreste un
adevarat sentiment de dragoste si de placereptr sufletul si corpul tau.
You Are What You Think
Esti ceea ce gindesti
It is very important to understand that your mind
is like a mental bank. This means that if you have positive thoughts, your
personal bank account of feeling great, grows.
Este f.important sa intelegi ca mintea ta este ca
o banca mentala. Asta inseamna ca daca ai ginduri positive, contul tau bancar
de sentimente grozave, creste.
Watch your words
Ai grija la cuvinte
So be careful when using your words, not only
with other people, but with yourself as well. Every word said out loud, is like
affirmation that we give to ourselves and to others.
Deci ai grija cind folosesti cuvintele tale, nu numai
cu alte personae, dar si cu tine. Fiecare cuvint spus tare, este ca o afirmatie
pe care ti-o spui tie si altora.
Spend at least 15 minutes every day to meditate
or do anything that could
make you happy. This may be listening to your favorite song, reconnecting
with someone you have forgotten among other things, exercising in your gym,
writing your book, watching some great inspiring movie or documentary, all the
way taking a walk in the park and listening to the lovely birds singing.
Petrece cel putin 15 minute, in fiecare zi sa
meditezi sau sa faci ceva care te face fericit. Asta inseamna sa-ti asculti
cintecul favorit, sa te reconectezi cu cineva pe carel-ai uitat printer alte
lucruri, sa exersezi in sala de gimnastica, sa scrii o carte, sa privesti
anumite filme spiritual sau documentare, sa te plimbi in parc sau sa asculti la
ciripitul pasarelelor incintatoare.
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